
This medium-size city lies just south of Tadotsu and is well worth visiting for its many attractions

The birthplace of Kobodaishi ,
known as Kukai .

Zentsuji Temple

The temple is known as the birthplace of Kukai. Kukai was one of the greatest geniuses Japan has ever produced. He was a multi-talented person; a scholar, poet, artist and calligrapher as well as a priest. This temple is the 75th on the Shikoku 88 Temple pilgrmage.

Mie Do Temple

Kobo Daishi's self-portrait hangs in this temple. It is said that his portrait blinked when the Emperor Tsuchimikado visited here. Kobo-Daishi's mother lived in this temple and so he was born here about 1200 years ago.

This city is blessed with the beauty of nature , an abundance of greenery and a mild climate .


The store is a three-minute walk from Zentsuji station. It opens every day except on Sunday. Stationery, bags, stuffed dolls, cosmetics, watches, and many other small things are sold. The store is popular among the junior and senior high school students.

Naked Men's Festival

Called Hadaka-Matsuri, it is held on the grounds of the main temple of Zentsuji. One person throws the head of a rice stalk and naked men try to catch it. The man who can get it becomes happy for the rest of the year. But many people get injured.

Within Zentsuji , Osayama and the area surrounding Gahaishiyama a large number of archaeological finds have been made .

Copper swords and bells from the Jomon and Yayoi periods have been found attesting to the cultural importance of Zentsuji during these periods .

Gokoku shrine

Was completed on April 25th, 1941. But it was demolished gradually. So it was built again and it was completed in April 1985.

In 1896 the town became famous as the headquarters of the military's Eleventh Division . Today this area is influenced by the presents of the Self-Defense Forces and two universities .

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